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Поредната сбирка на семинара на секция

Математическо моделиране и числен анализ

ще се състои на 06.03.2023 г., понеделник, от 14:00 часа в зала 503

на Института по математика и информатика със следната програма:

Доклад на тема

Fractional models with applications to infectious diseases dynamics and control theory

ще изнесе
Файсал Ндайроу, постдокторант по програма ПИКОМ.
Резюме. In this talk, I will start by presenting some recent models of fractional calculus and their connection to previously introduced in the litterature. Mainly, I will focus on fractional models with general analytic kernel as they include many existing operators as particular cases. Then, as an application, a detail analysis of a fractional mathematical model of COVID–19 transmission dynamics reflecting realities of Portugal, Spain and Wuhan is given. Finally, a derivation of  Pontryagin Maximum Principle (PMP) for fractional optimal control problems involving distributed order fractional derivatives is considered.
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