Зарежда Събития

В петък, 21.07. от 14:00 в заседателната зала на ИМИ-БАН доцент Данила Черкашин ще изнесе встъпителна лекция на тема:

Gilbert—Steiner problem

Резюме. Gilbert—Steiner problem lies in the class of mass transportation problem. Consider two finite atomic probablistic measures in the plane. The goal is to construct a network (which is an embedded forest) of the lowest price. The price functional is the some over the roads (the edges of the forest) of its capacity in the power a, which is between 0 and 1, mutiplied on the length.

We give an introduction in the problem and prove that a solution do not contain branching point of degree 4.

Лекцията ще може да бъде проследена и в Зуум на линк https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83111372029?pwd=MzE5WGRBMHkyQWVESC9rd2ZjVlVmQT09 .



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