Дата: 11.01.2024 г., 14:00 ч.
Място: Зала 403, ИМИ – БАН
Докладчик: д-р Антони Рангачев, ИМИ – БАН
Доклад: The Milnor number of a smoothable curve
Допълнителна информация: https://icms.bg/the-milnor-number-of-a-smoothable-curve-talk-by-antony-rangachev/
Резюме. In this talk I will derive an algebraic formula for the Milnor number of a smoothable complex analytic curve singularity X by relating it to the Euler characteristic of its smoothing, which in turn I will relate to the multiplicity of the Jacobian ideal of X and and the multiplicity of X at its singular point. If time permits I will discuss generalizations to higher dimensions. This is a report on a joint work with Gaffney and Bengus-Lasnier.