Работен семинар на ICMS и IMSA
20 август 2021
зала 403, ИМИ-БАН, 16:30-18:30,
излъчван по Zoom
Заглавие: Детерминантни кубични хиперповърхнини (по Илиев, Манивел
и Бювил…)
Докладчик: Р. Мборо, IMSA, ICMS, 16:30-17:30
Абстракт: We give an account of the problem of writing an equation of a cubic (or other degree) hypersurface X as a (kind of) determinant of a matrix with homogeneous entries. Expressing the equation of X as a determinant is equivalent to produce an arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay vector bundle on X. The talk will focus on the cases of cubic hypersurfaces of dimension at most 8.
Заглавие: Квантови представяния на фундаментални групи на криви с
Безкраен образ
Докладчик: Р. Агилар, IMSA, ICMS, 17:30-18:30
Абстракт: We will report on some results due to Koberda-Santharoubane that show that an element of $\pi_1(P^1 – 3 points) has an infinite order under some quantum representations of the mapping class group. Тhe lectures will be held in hall 403 of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
Лекциите ще бъдат излъчени по Zoom:
Meeting ID: 836 1414 9889
Passcode: 018302