Следващата сбирка на Семинара по геометрия на МЦМН
ще се проведе в сряда, 28 февруари 2024 г. от 16:00 ч. в зала 403 и онлайн в Zoom:
Доклад на тема
Linear embeddings of complex Grassmannians
ще изнесе Иван Пенков, Constructor University Bremen.
Zoom link:
Abstract: A linear embedding of Grassmannians, one of which could possibly be isotropic, is an embedding which respects the generators of Picard groups. Several years ago A.S. Tikhomirov and I classified such embeddings when both Grassmannians are simultaneously usual Grassmannians or isotropic Grassmannians of the same type(orthogonal or symplectic). In this talk I will discuss also the mixed case. A classification as above has an application to the classification of infinite-dimensional linear ind-Grassmannians, and I shall briefly explain this at the end of the talk.