Семинарът по
организиран от
Секция „Математически основи на информатиката“ към ИМИ – БАН и
Факултет „Математика и информатика“ – ВТУ,
Ви кани на поредната сбирка на 8 януари 2025 г. от 17:00 часа в зала 401 на корпус 4 на ВТУ, на която
Prof. Ferruh Özbudak
Sabancı University
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences,
İstanbul – Turkiye
ще изнесе доклад на тема:
Generalizing the Bierbrauer—Friedman bound to mixed-level orthogonal arrays
(joint work with Denis Krotov and Vladimir Potapov)
Abstract: We characterize mixed-level orthogonal arrays it terms of algebraic designs in a special multigraph. We prove a mixed-level analog of the Bierbrauer–Friedman (BF) bound for pure-level orthogonal arrays and show that arrays attaining it are radius-1 completely regular codes (equivalently, intriguing sets, equitable 2-partitions, perfect 2-colorings) in the corresponding multigraph. For the case when the numbers of levels are powers of the same prime number, we characterize, in terms of multispreads, additive mixed-level orthogonal arrays attaining the BF bound. For pure-level orthogonal arrays, we consider versions of the BF bound obtained by replacing the Hamming graph by its polynomial generalization and show that in some cases this gives a new bound.
Acknowledgment: The work of F.Ö. was supported by TÜBİTAK under Grant 223N065.