
Всяка година Институтът по математика и информатика при Българската академия на науките посреща учени от цял свят, които работят съвместно с българските си колеги по научни и научно-приложни проекти или по актуални теми в областта на математиката и компютърните науки.

Гост-учени 2016

Name: Peter Dragnev
Affiliation: Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne University
Research field: Aproximation Theory, Potential Theory
Contact: http://bit.ly/1OeVDte
Hosting department: Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
Period of visit: 25.06-23.07.2016

Name: Leo Storme
Affiliation: Ghent University
Research field: Coding theory, Finite geometries
Contact: https://cage.ugent.be/~ls/indexen.html
Hosting department: Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
Period of visit: 13 – 18.09.2016

Name: Svetla Nikova
Affiliation: The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Research field: Cryptography
Contact: http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~snikova/
Hosting department: Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
Period of visit: 13 – 16.09.2016

Name: Ben Moszkowski, Dr.
Affiliation: Newcastle upon Tyne
Research field: Temporal logic and its applications (e.g. programming in temporal logic), Complete axiom systems for temporal logics, Compositional specification and proof techniques for concurrent systems, Techniques for specifying, simulating and verifying hardware, Programming language semantics.
Contact: http://bit.ly/1LtGHHT
Hosting department: Algebra and Logic
Period of visit: 29.06-02.07.2016

Name: Rosa Doran
Affiliation: NUCLIO – Nucleo Interactivo de Astronomia, Portugal
Research field: STEM education, inquiry learning at school, global online science lab
Hosting department: Education in Mathematics and Informatics
Period of visit: 3.04. – 6.04.2016

Name: Zsolt László Márkus, M.Sc., Head of eLearning Department, MTA SZTAKI
Affiliation: Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI)
Research field: New information and communication technologies, systems and their use for eLearning purposes. Besides conference publications he also publishes his work to the Hungarian eLearning forums.
Contact: markus.zsolt@sztaki.mta.hu, http://bit.ly/1Qr5tZk
Hosting department: Mathematical Linguistics
Period of visit: 23.09-29.09.2016

Name: Miklós Veres, B.Sc., project manager, eLearning Department, MTA SZTAKI
Affiliation: Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI)
Research field: Mobile systems and their use for eLearning purposes, new information and communication technologies.
Contact: veres.miklos@sztaki.mta.hu, http://bit.ly/2dwZ6bt
Hosting department: Mathematical Linguistics
Period of visit: 23.09-29.09.2016

Name: Gita Seņka, M.A., Head of International Affairs and Projects’ Management Department
Affiliation: Latvian College of Culture at the Latvian Academy of Culture
Research field: Creative industries, digital content development, culture marketing, music management.
Contact: gita.senka@lkk.gov.lv, http://bit.ly/2cU4vvm
Hosting department: Mathematical Linguistics
Period of visit: 25.09-30.09.2016

Name: Alexander Arhangel’skii, Prof.
Affiliation: Moscow State University, Russia
Research field: Topology
Contact: arhangel.alex@gmail.com
Hosting department: Analysis, Geometry and Topology
Period of visit: 04.06. – 12.06. 2016

Name: Mitrofan Choban, Prof.
Affiliation: Tiraspol State University, Moldova
Research field: Topology
Contact: mmchoban@gmail.com
Hosting department: Analysis, Geometry and Topology
Period of visit: 05.06. – 09.06. 2016

Name: Ivan Markovsky, Prof.
Affiliation: Department ELEC, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Research field: structured low-rank approximation, system identification in the behavioral setting, data-driven control
Contact: http://homepages.vub.ac.be/~imarkovs
Hosting department: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis
Period of visit: 22.07.2016-12.08.2016

Name: Maya Mincheva, Assoc. Prof., Dr.
Affiliation: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Northern Illinois University, USA
Research field: mathematical biology, reaction networks, differential equations
Contact: http://www.math.niu.edu/~mincheva/
Hosting department: Sabbatical at Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis
Period of visit: 10.09.2015 – 10.08.2016

Name: Norbert Poschadel, Assoc.Prof.
Affiliation: Katholische Universitaet Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Mathematisch-Geographische Fakultaet, Eichstaett, Deutschland
Research field: Algebra, Probability
Hosting department: Analysis, Geometry and Topology
Period of visit: 18.04.2016-28.04.2016

Гост-учени 2015

Name: Zsolt László Márkus, M.Sc., Head of eLearning Department, MTA SZTAKI
Affiliation: Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI)
Research field: Mr. Zsolt László MÁRKUS is the head of the eLearning Department. He graduated at the Faculty of Science of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary (1996) as Teacher of Maths
Main interests: New information and communication technologies, systems and their use for uLearning purposes. Besides conference publications he also publishes his work to the Hungarian eLearning forums.
Contact: markus.zsolt@sztaki.mta.hu, http://bit.ly/1Qr5tZk
Hosting department: Mathematical Linguistics
Period of visit: 16.06-18.06.2015

Name: Violetta Koseska, Prof. DSc
Affiliation: Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
Research field: Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics, Digital Corpora and Dictionaries
Hosting department: Mathematical Linguistics
Period of visit:  22.06.2015 – 26.06.2015

Name: Marc Lassonde, Professor
Affiliation: Universite des Antilles, Pointe-a-Pitre, France
Research field: Variational Analysis, Convex Analysis
Contact: marc.lassonde@univ-ag.fr
Hosting department: Department of Operations Research, Probability and Statistics
Period of visit: 8.06.2015 – 22.06.2015

Name: Wojciech Sosnowski, Dr.
Affiliation: Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
Research field: Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics, Digital Corpora and Dictionaries
Hosting department: Mathematical Linguistics
Period of visit: 22.06.2015 – 26.06.2015

Name: Xiu Ye, Professor
Affiliation: University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
Research field: Weak Galerkin Methods
Hosting department: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis
Period of visit: 04.06-07.06.2015

Name: Marios Christou, Professor
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Research field: Generalized Boussinesq Type Equation
Hosting department: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis
Period of visit: 27.06-03.07.2015

Name: Nectarios Papanicolaou, Professor
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Research field: Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Coupled Thermoconvective Flows
Hosting department: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis
Period of visit: 27.06-03.07.2015

Name: Nurettin Cenk Turgay, Assoc. Prof., Dr.
Affiliation: Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of  Mathematics, 34469 Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey
Research field: Differential geometry of submanifolds of Euclidean and pseudo-Euclidean spaces
Contact: turgayn@itu.edu.tr
Hosting department: Analysis, Geometry and Topology
Period of visit: June 22 – July 4, 2015

Name: Arpad Takaci, Professor
Affiliation: University of Novi Sad- Serbia
Research field: Generalized functions, operational calculus, integral transforms, applications to partial and fractional differential equations
Hosting department: Analysis, Geometry and Topology
The visit is in frames of bilateral project between Bulgarian and Serbian academies of sciences, „Mathematical modelling via integral-transform methods, partial differential equations, special and generalized functions, numerical analysis”.
Period of visit: July 6-10, 2015

Name: Djurdjica Takaci, Professor
Affiliation: University of Novi Sad- Serbia
Research field: Operational calculus, fuzzy fractional calculus, computer algebra systems, GeoGebra, educations in Maths for secondary and high schools, applications
Hosting department: Analysis, Geometry and Topolog
The visit is in frames of bilateral project between Bulgarian and Serbian academies of sciences, „Mathematical modelling via integral-transform methods, partial differential equations, special and generalized functions, numerical analysis”.
Period of visit:  July 6-10, 2015

Name: Ben Moszkowski, Dr.
Research field: Temporal logic and its applications (e.g. programming in temporal logic), Complete axiom systems for temporal logics, Compositional specification and proof techniques for concurrent systems, Techniques for specifying, simulating and verifying hardware, Programming language semantics.
Contact: http://bit.ly/1LtGHHT
Hosting department: Algebra and Logic
Period of visit: 30.08-03.09.2015

Name: Alexander Ioffe
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Research field: Variational Analysis
Hosting department: Operations Research, Probability and Statistics
Period of visit: 25.09-07.10.2015

Name: Marian Fabian
Affiliation: Institute of Mathematics, Cech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Chech Republic
Research field: Functional Analysis
Hosting department: Operations Research, Probability and Statistics
Period of visit: 29.09 – 05.10.2015

Name: Edward Saff
Affiliation: Vanderbilt University
Research field: Functional Analysis
Contact:  https://my.vanderbilt.edu/edsaff/
Hosting department: Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
Period of visit: 23-28.08.2015

Name: Douglas Hardin
Affiliation: Vanderbilt University
Research field: Wavelets and multiscale analysis, discrete minimum energy problems, and fractal geometry
Contact: http://www.math.vanderbilt.edu/~hardin/
Hosting department: Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
Period of visit: 22-28.08.2015

Name: Peter Dragnev
Affiliation: Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne University
Contact: http://bit.ly/1OeVDte
Hosting department: Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
Period of visit: 12-23 June, 2015, 22-28 August 2015, 11-23 November 2015

Name: Paul Nuiro, PhD
Affiliation: Universite des Antilles, Pointe-a-Pitre, France
Research field: Numerical Analysis
Hosting department: Operations Research, Probability and Statistics
Period of visit: 9 – 23 November 2015

Name: Dragan Spasic, Prof. Dr.
Affiliation: University of Novi Sad, Fac. Tech. Sci., Dept. Mechanics, Serbia
Research field: Mechanics, Applications of Fractional Calculus in Mechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Hosting department: Analysis, Geometry and Topology
Period of visit: 6-10 December 2015

Name: Sanja Konjik, Prof. Dr.
Affiliation: University of Novi Sad, Dept. of Mathematics and Informatics, Fac.Science, Novi Sad – Serbia
Research field: Fractional Variational Calculus
Hosting department: Analysis, Geometry and Topology
Period of visit: 6-10 December 2015

Name: Ljubica Oparnica, Prof. Dr.
Affiliation: Education Fac. – Sombor and University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad – Serbia
Research field: Mechanics, Applications of Fractional Calculus in Fractional Type Viscoelastic Media
Hosting department: Analysis, Geometry and Topology
Period of visit: 6-10 December 2015

Name: Milos Japundzic, Assist. Prof. Dr.
Affiliation: Novi Sad Business School – Higher Education Institution for Applied Studies, Novi Sad – Serbia
Research field: Fractional Calculus, Reaction-advection-diffusion Differential Equations
Hosting department: Analysis, Geometry and Topology
Period of visit: 6-10 December 2015

Name: Nikola Tuneski, Prof. Dr.
Affiliation: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Fac. Mech. Eng., Skopje – Macedonia
Research field: Geometric Function Theory, Univalent and Multivalent Analytic Functions
Hosting department: Analysis, Geometry and Topology
Period of visit: 6-10 December 2015

Name: Edward Saff, Prof.
Affiliation: Center for Constructive Approximation, Vanderbilt University, Department of Mathematics, Nashville, TN, United States
Research field: Constructive approximation – Potential theory, Numerical methods, Complex analysis.
Hosting department: Analysis, Geometry and Topology
Period of visit: 22.08.2015 – 27.08.2015