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The International Center for Mathematical Sciences –Sofia (ICMS-Sofia) invites you to attend the webinar on

Integral PL actions from birational geometry


Maxim Kontsevich,

Professor at I.H.E.S., Bures-sur-Yvette, France, Distinguished Professor at University of Miami, USA,

The webinar is jointly organized with

the Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas at the University of Miami.

Abstract: The group of birational automorphisms of an N-dimensional algebraic torus, preserving the standard logarithmic volume element,acts (by tropicalization) on N-dimensional real vector space by homogeneous piece-wise linear homeomorphisms. A similar construction exists for any compact Calabi-Yauvariety over a non-Archimedean field, through the notion of the“essential EEEE”. I’ll talk about examples coming from generalized cluster varieties, and from Calabi-Yau varieties parameterizing linkages of regular graphs.

The event will take place on Monday, August17, 2020at 16:00, EEST (local time in Sofia, Bulgaria).

Please join us for this event at: https://miami.zoom.us/j/92179744764


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