На 9 юни 2023 г. (петък) от 13:00 часа ще се проведе дистанционно заседание на семинара по „Алгебра и логика”.
Доклад на тема:
Old and new aspects of the Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
ще изнесе Vladimir Dotsenko (Institute for Advanced Mathematical Research (IRMA), University of Strasbourg and CNRS, France).
Абстракт. The Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem on universal enveloping algebras of Lie algebras is a fundamental result in many areas of mathematics: from differential geometry and representation theory to homological algebra and deformation quantization. I shall give a short overview of that result and some of its proofs that emerged in about 120 years since Poincaré published a paper about it, and outline a new proof which perhaps captures its category-theoretic essence in the best way possible. The talk is based on a joint work with Pedro Tamaroff.
Семинарът ще се проведе посредством платформата Zoom и всеки желаещ може да се присъедини като последва линка:
Topic: Онлайн семинар на секция “Алгебра и логика”
Time: Jun 09, 2023 01:00 PM Sofia
Meeting ID: 851 3737 5021
Passcode: 035647
От секция „Алгебра и логика” на ИМИ – БАН
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