На 24 юни 2022 г. (петък) от 13:00 ч. ще се проведе дистанционно заседание на семинара по „Алгебра и логика”.
Доклад на тема:
Dependent-Type Theory of Situated Information with Context Assessments
ще изнесе Русанка Луканова.
Абстракт. I shall introduce an enriched formal language of information that establishes propositions dependent on situations and types. The types can be basic or complex. Complex propositional types are defined recursively. The language supports structured data of situated information, which can be partial, parametric, and underspecified. Information can be associated with quantitative evaluations depending on situations. The formal terms can integrate propositional types of situated information with statistical and other quantitative evaluations. Structured content integrated with quantitative data facilitates development of new techniques for amalgamating logic representation of situated, propositional content with numerical data. Numerical data can be provided by techniques from mathematical statistics and probability. Furthermore, information can be dynamically updated by integration with techniques of machine learning.
Семинарът ще се проведе посредством платформата Zoom и всеки желаещ може да се присъедини като последва линка:
Topic: Онлайн семинар на секция “Алгебра и логика”
Time: Jun 24, 2022 01:00 PM Sofia
Meeting ID: 851 3737 5021
Passcode: 035647
От секция „Алгебра и логика” на ИМИ – БАН
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