Следващото заседание на семинара ще се проведе на 17 ноември 2017 година (петък) от 13:00 часа в зала 578 на ИМИ – БАН. Доклад на тема
ще изнесе Anatolii V. ZHUCHOK, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Starobilsk, Ukraine.
Поканват се всички интересуващи се.
Резюме. An n-tuple semigroup is an algebraic system consisting of a set with n binary associative operations satisfying certain equations. n-Tuple semigroups play a prominent role in the theory of non-associative rings and algebras. They are a generalization of semigroups and have relationships with such algebraic structures as interassociative semigroups, restrictive bisemigroups, doppelsemigroups and trioids.
Examples of n-tuple semigroups are given and the independence of axioms of an n-tuple semigroup is established. Elements of the variety theory of n-tuple semigroups are outlined. n-Tuple semigroups which are free in the variety of n-tuple semigroups are constructed and the least congruences on free n-tuple semigroups are investigated. The free product of n-tuple semigroups is presented and its structure is described. Automorphism groups of constructed free algebras are characterized.
От секция “Алгебра и логика”